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A Price to Pay

by Gowri Bhargav

Prompt by ArtoonsInn : Tell the story of a scar your character has, whether it’s a physical or emotional one.


The carmine sky interrupted with caliginous clouds appeared to be a harbinger of grave news. The surging waves in the sea crashed against the stone-walled castle repeatedly. With a deep sigh, Gilbertus shifted his gaze to the ornate mirror in his bedroom. 

The scar on his cheek seemed to have grown deeper and gnawed with pain since the past week.

What if…?

His thoughts were interrupted by the gentle voice of his cherubic daughter.

“Father! I picked these roses for you.”

“Thank you, dear,” he exclaimed. As he planted a kiss on her forehead the haunting past came chasing.

Seven years ago

Gilbertus had made the most tortuous journey to make a pact with the orcs. The Orc Lord agreed to leave his kingdom at peace in return for a steady supply of wealth during his reign. However, fate had other plans during his stay. Gilbertus fell in love with the Orc Lord’s daughter, Nargula. They kept it a secret until the day she told him she was with child.

To appease the Orc Lord he promised him that he would wed Nargula and never return to his kingdom. But Gilbertus had second thoughts when the newborn child’s seraphic face bore no semblance to the orcs. He longed to raise her in his kingdom. However, Nargula disagreed.

In haste, Gilbertus and his men set the entire Orc land on fire one night. The Orcs screamed helplessly. Nargula, despite being engulfed by flames, fought fiercely and her sword inflicted a deep cut on Gilbertus’ cheek, narrowly missing his neck. 

As he fled with the child he heard Nargula holler,“I’ll destroy your kind and claim my child. SOON!

Gilbertus jolted to the present when he heard his advisor speak. “Sire! The Orcs are coming. Their ships were just spotted.”


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