I oft dream of another universe
Where all my woven dreams hang tethered
From the ebony sky like bejewelled stars
That I reach out to pluck,
And watch them fly
like glowing fireflies.
I oft dream of another universe
Where I climb a tall ladder,
To reach the firmament,
And blissfully
Lie down on
The crescent moon without any hindrance.
I oft dream of another universe
Where I garner all moonbeams
Into chalices huge,
Drink it to my heart’s content
And glide
With wings made of gold.
I oft dream of another universe
Where my feelings are seen,
And loom large with life,
Befriending the ones I need
A life sans worries
I always lead.
I dream and dream,
All the unthinkable,
‘Oh! How crazy’, I hear you tell ,
Is it because,
In a world of fantasy I always wish to dwell?
Picture Credit : Pixabay