Home » Rapunzel’s Flight to Freedom

Rapunzel’s Flight to Freedom

by Gowri Bhargav

Prompt by Chrysanthemum Chronicles 
Choose any fairy tale of your choice, twist the story a bit, mold it according to your desire, but let the characters remain the same, and write a fantasy poem based on that. Write a humorous, satirical, or any genre that you feel you will be able to be playful with.


Here’s my poem:


‘Midst the misty mountains, in a forest dense,

There stood an ornate stone tower surrounded by elysian gardens,

Inside the tower lived Rapunzel– a ravishing princess,

Spanning several yards flowed her cascading tresses.


Imprisoned she was by a witch wicked,

To enter the forest people dreaded,

The witch had locked her ever since she was a small girl,

And had demolished the connecting stairwell.


To reach the tower atop the witch would command Rapunzel to let down her hair,

Rapunzel was scared –to escape she did not dare,

How she longed to visit the world outside,

But within the four walls of the tower she was always confined.


Her only friends were the birds and the bees,

With them she sang songs of melodies,

Her mellifluous songs drifted across valleys far,

‘Twas heard by a handsome Prince from a kingdom afar.


Riding a horse the Prince came in search of the voice he’d heard,

Crossing territories and borders, unguarded, 

Intrigued he was by the forest enchanted,

Baffled, he stood by the tower isolated.


Stealthily, he saw a witch climbing the tower with the help of princess’ hair,

Mesmerized he was by the princess– her beauty beyond compare,

Once the witch left he called out to princess Rapunzel, 

And eloquently spoke about the world beyond the tower to the dainty damsel.


Rapunzel was impressed by his striking personality, 

Escaping the confines the world he described  she wished to see,

Though the Prince expressed his wish to marry her,

She decided that giving it time would be better.


Rapunzel put forth some terms and conditions, 

Agreed to marry him only if she was allowed to live sans any restrictions,

A queen she wished to not just by name,

Through her wit and intelligence she wished to help people, and rise to fame.


Once the Prince agreed they both acted fast,

They hatched a master plan and overtime outwitted the witch at last,

Rapunzel chopped off her hair to climb down the tower,

And rode away with the prince for a life better.


Rapunzel did not just settle down to marry,

She studied hard and earned many a degree,

Honed her musical skills– her dream passion,

The understanding prince was patient and in no hurry for their union.


Praised she was for her mental acumen,

Her strategies and forethoughts were admired by all the kingsmen,

Her abilities proved that women were no less,

And their voices ought be heard for a kingdom’s success.


When the time was ripe they walked down the aisle hand in hand,

The entire kingdom rejoiced, the wedding was grand,

Sharing all responsibilities the wise couple ruled for several years with glee,

The kingdom rose to fame with wealth and prosperity. 

The above poem secured second prize in the competition.

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