#napowrimo2022 #soulcraft #day13 *** I oft dream of another universe Where all my woven dreams hang tethered From the ebony sky like bejewelled stars That I reach out to pluck,…
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#napowrimo2022 #ArtoonsInnPoetryParlour #day13 *** I still remember the golden days of school and its memories, I oft peep into them, drawing my mind’s draperies… Starched, ironed uniforms whitened with liquid…
#napowrimo2022, #soulcraft, #day12 *** Flaws,scars, Vestiges from a failed past, May haunt you in framed shadows… Don’t cage them behind bars, Or camouflage them ‘neath a perfect mask. Adorn them…
#napowrimo2022, #ArtoonsInnPoetryParlour, #day12 *** Purge Past remnants Grim silhouetted, The miraged future teeters… Harness happiness from the present. *** Written as ‘𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗤𝘂𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗲’ The quintine is a one-stanza…
#napowrimo2022, #soulcraft, #day11 *** I sat in solitude as a lone tear rolled down my cheek, A failure, yet again, had turned my future bleak. I suddenly heard a voice…
#napowrimo2022, #ArtoonsInnPoetryParlour, #day11 *** Dear children, STOP! please don’t fight, I’ll go, My withered body has turned out to be a burden, I know. I’ve been packing, I’ll leave before…
#napowrimo2022, #soulcraft, #day10 *** Inspired by William Wordsworth’s ” I wandered lonely as cloud” poem Like a free bird I wish to fly, O’er the valleys, hills and seas, Far…
#napowrimo2022 #ArtoonsInnPoetryParlour #day10 *** Giggling girls, Oh! Gossips galore, Sizzling secrets reveal hopeless heartbreaks, Long chit-chats, yankity-yap! Melting moments, terrible trash talks, All anger, finds freedom, Pinkie promises, holding hands,…
#napowrimo2022, #pocketpoems2, #penmancy *** As the ocean waves ceaselessly ebb and flow, Like a lover making an impassioned plea, Reaching out to carve the shore with gentle strokes, Singing dulcet…
#napowrimo2022, #soulcraft, #day9 *** The voices in my head scream, past memories concealed, scream untold stories, ceaselessly scream, the voices in my head. *** Picture Credit: Pixabay