Isn’t it strange, how our minds can conjure thoughts so conflicting? Our hopeless mind is constantly tormented With a million choices, Good and bad, Right and wrong, Everyday, in our…
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Dear Woman, You are an epitome of love and grace, Roles so many you ardently embrace, Your patience is tested time and again, Yet you handle them all with a…
In January 2021 WriteFluence announced their very first exclusively-for-women-writers story-writing contest FemmeFluenza and received a whopping 79 entries in a span of just a month! Out of my BOX is…
“ Mom, did you say Grandpa was a cryptologist for the Indian army?” asked Deepak. “ Do you even know what that means?” asked his mom Meera. “They…
Wafting Earthy is a compilation of the winning short stories of the international premier league short-story contest PenFuenza, organized by WriteFluence. The book consists of 31 literary pieces written…
Chotu lived with his mother Mina in a small hut along the highway. Chotu’s dad had died in a road accident recently. Mina tried hard to make ends meet by…
Description This little book of ‘love’ was conceived on Valentine’s Day. Though love is something which is celebrated every day, sometimes in words and sometimes in gesture, yet, Valentine’s Day…
Is she an enchantress from heaven? I fell for her not once but a thousand times….. Entranced by the alluring beauty, I travel to the realms of paradise. I…
Chaaya’s kohl smudged eyes sparkled with delight. She admired her reflection and imagined what it would be like to be garlanded by Neel. As the gentle zephyr swayed her hair…
“ Arising from the Dust” is a collection of 32 works by 32 writers from #Letsmakestories facebook group by Meera V Bharath and has been compiled by her. …