Silhouetted shadows
weave a story
within four walls.
Stringed jasmines, roses
lay crushed upon
yards of luscious silk.
Clinking bangles
shatter unheard
amidst the savage slurs.
Wafting fragrance
from the burning incense
shrouds the reeking breath.
Blotched marks in purple, blue
ooze with blood beneath
precious diamonds, pearls.
Embroidered dreams
of a fractured soul
drown in silent tears.
This poem has been written in triversen style.
The triversen is a loose form of sentence-long tercets developed by William Carlos Williams. In other words, each stanza is composed of one sentence split into 3 lines, and each line has 2 to 4 beats or 4-8 syllable count. The poem is nonrhyming, and as a whole, has 6 stanzas or 18 lines total.
This poem was first published in Penmancy;
Picture Credit : Pixabay