Home » A Soulmate’s Soliloquy

A Soulmate’s Soliloquy

by Gowri Bhargav


All I’m left with are the cherished memories,

Brumous is my life but my heart still throbs for you;

Calling out your name hopelessly,

Dwelling in an illusionary world,

Expecting to hear you with the passing zephyr. 

Frozen moments loom before me in framed shadows.

Grievous existence juxtapose my mirthful days,

Hark! My vapid mind pines,

In between the pauses of my breaths …


Journey we traveled together came to a halt!

Kissed cruelly by the hands of fate,

Lost and erased were you by the sands of time.

My love! Now my mornings are filled with darkness,

Nights feel cold without you by my side and

Oft tears trickle down my cheeks.


Perhaps, my restless soul will always make a plea,

Questioning why you left me in solitude,

Rewinding the fragrant scenes,

Seeking for you in a universe parallel, 

Trying to turn the hands of the clock,

Until one day I become

Verklempt with an overburdened heart,

Withered like the leaves of autumn and my

Xanthic life tinged with melancholic hues

Yearningly falls into an eternal sleep to

Zestfully unite with your earnest soul.

This poem won a silver in the monthly poetry contest held by Penmancy. Here’s the link to the poem in Penmancy website;

A Soulmate’s Soliloquy 


This form ABCDarius has been written in alphabetical order from A-Z with each line containing 6-12 syllables.


Picture Credit: Pixabay


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